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Aging in Place is Not Always The Best Option for Everyone

Aging in place is a heartfelt desire for most of us as we get older. Imagine staying in the home you’ve loved and lived in for years, surrounded by memories and the comfort of familiarity.

Recent conversations and surveys, like those from AARP, keep showing that a lot of us, indeed, prefer to grow old in our own space. And why not? For many who’ve cleared their mortgage, it feels like the smartest move financially too. But there’s more to it than money – it’s about the emotional bonds we’ve built with our homes over decades.

Is Staying at Home the Right Choice?

For some, with the right help and a bit of tweaking around the house, living at home as they age is totally doable. Yet, for others, staying put might actually do more harm than good, especially if it leads to feeling isolated or risks a nasty fall. In those cases, the family might start conversations about moving to an Assisted Living Facility, even though it’s a tough chat to have.

Moving: A Big Deal No Matter Your Age

Did you know moving house is up there with life’s biggest stressors?

Yep, it’s right alongside losing a job or grieving a loved one. And for seniors, realizing it’s time to move can be extra hard.

The medical world even has a name for it – Relocation Stress Syndrome (RSS), or “transfer trauma.” It can make you feel anxious, lost, and lonely.

Making a Move Easier

But hey, moving doesn’t have to be a nightmare. Here are a few tips to smooth things out:

  • Take Your Time: Unless you’re in a hurry due to an emergency, there’s no need to rush this big decision. Give yourself or your loved one the space to get used to the idea.

  • Get Involved: Jumping into a whole new community can be daunting. That’s why it’s super important for families to dive into the community vibe as soon as they can.

  • Visit Often: One of the biggest fears for many seniors is being forgotten. Regular visits can make a world of difference, showing them they’re still a cherished part of the family.

Tech to the Rescue

The cool part about today is how tech has stepped up to help seniors live safely at home. From gadgets that monitor health to services that let you chat with a doctor from your living room, there are so many ways to make a home more senior-friendly.

Finding Your Tribe

Being part of a community matters a lot, especially as we get older. Luckily, places like Texas are buzzing with activities and groups aimed at keeping seniors connected. Whether it’s a local class, a volunteer program, or just regular meetups, staying social is key to feeling happy and healthy.

When Home Isn’t the Best Option Anymore

For some, a move to Assisted Living might eventually be the best choice. And that’s okay! Mercy House has memory care, as well as offering senior care, community, and comfort, all with our warm Texas hospitality.

It can be difficult when it’s too dangerous for our seniors to live by themselves, especially when it is complicated by medical conditions affecting congnition and memory. 

In the End

Whether choosing to age in place or making a move, the journey is all about finding what feels right. It’s about staying safe, keeping connected, and living life to the fullest, surrounded by love and support. 


“Now we rest easy knowing our mom is well cared for.”

Mom has Alzheimer’s, and my stepdad’s declining health meant he could no...
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“Now we rest easy knowing our mom is well cared for.”

Mom has Alzheimer’s, and my stepdad’s declining health meant he could no longer care for her in their home. Once we moved her to Mercy House, the doctors saw her health improve to the point it was two years earlier. Now my brother and I rest easy knowing ourmom is happy and well cared for.

“It was an easy transition and we’ve never looked back.”

Mom was not getting the care she needed in the nursing home. So...
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“It was an easy transition and we’ve never looked back.”

Mom was not getting the care she needed in the nursing home. So we moved her to Mercy House. It was an easy transition and we’ve never looked back. Today, even in her final days, she’s a different person! She’s happy. She’s not alone. And she’s well cared for.

“I’m so grateful I found Mercy House. They really rescued me.”

Our family just couldn’t handle Mom’s dementia at home anymore. I...
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“I’m so grateful I found Mercy House. They really rescued me.”

Our family just couldn’t handle Mom’s dementia at home anymore. I wanted her to live out her final days in a real home, surrounded 24/7 by loving caregivers that felt like an extension of our own family. I found all of that, and more, at Mercy House. They really rescued me.